
Back from Durian land and again thrown into the tar pit of despair. I am not one to make New Year's resolutions, but for the monkey's moment, I am making an exception.

I resolve to look better in the first quarter, with my weight significantly lower and skin a hell lot clearer. I will start going to the gym and eating less sweets.

I resolve to be more diplomatic and less critical of other people. If I don't like the person at all, instead of hurling obscenities, I will choose not to talk.

I resolve to be more conscientious with my work and write more publish-worthy pieces. Related to my penchant for putting things off till another day, I will struggle to halt being a procrastinator and unmaster the art of cramming. (Though I admit this to be very difficult)

I resolve to be less vengeful. Though I may not be able to forget, or forgive, the people who have caused me harm in 2003, I will try to muster the courage to just walk away and pray that it will be enough to hurt them back.

I resolve to stop whining about how my life sucks, because I just realized, after spending the holidays with my family, that I have so many blessings in life. And that I am fortunate because a lot of people have it worse.

Finally, I resolve to be more resilient and optimistic. I know that this year is yet to unfold itself and it could be teeming with difficulty, but I have to raise my head up and go on living. For the few people who truly care about me and especially for myself.

I am thankful for the friendships gained. I am grateful for the headaches lost.

Happy New Year to all!


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