
So what has been up with me?

I have gotten accustomed to Animator's absence. I guess this is really the best way to go for both of us. He's getting more work done and I'm taking in more writing stints. Maybe love really did hinder our respective careers. Perhaps it wasn't the inspirational factor we both needed to advance in our crafts.

But the truth remains that the love is alive. And no, no matter what he says about being selfish for not wanting me to see other people, hence, he pushes me to go date around, I'm not going anywhere. I am standing my ground, albeit a few dinners and chats with members of the opposite sex, until he comes around, or, yet, his work picks up. For the record, I am not actively looking for a new boyfriend. I currently have one, only he is in a weird state right now and has no capacity to think rationally. [I know you read my blog, hehe]

On to other things...

I have begun a column in a Davao-based start-up newspaper, the name of which I am not at liberty to go gallivanting around just yet. I expect my first article to appear next week. I pray the publication flies soon, so the money can start flowing in. I have agreed not to be paid for the pieces I write for the meantime; it's the least I can do for leaving my hometown to pursue a stressful life in Manila. My parents will be proud. [Thanks to Athens]

Soon, I will also be maintaining and writing in a section at a website dedicatedly solely for Pinoy lawyers. I was told it will be launched in mid-2004 so I'm really excited about it. No, I will not be talking about legal advice and all the technicalities that go with lawyer-dom [I do not have a law degree on my back; only a quasi-BA in Political Science]. My section will be on the lighter side of the warpspeed profession. [Thanks She]

I am still employed with FT. And I do still write for the broadsheet from time to time. If anyone asks, I am still accepting writing jobs for those who want my services *wink*wink!

Now this is what I mean by letting work consume you. A person tends to get richer in the abscence of a romantic relationship.

But is it worth the price?


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