
I'm so glad blogging is not banned in this office. YET. I cannot ascertain the days to come.

I am beginning to feel the repercussions of my being the ultimate mercenary.

Tomorrow, I conduct an interview with one of the most powerful (and handsome) executives in the Philippines. I dare not say his name, lest I be accused of namedropping. Hahahaha! I consider it such a privilege to be able to delve into the mind of such a man. I'm sure he's as human as the rest of us, only he's got more money to develop his inner self. I hope to learn a lot from him tomorrow. Deadline will be in five days from the interview. Meaning, Sunday. I don't freak out much over it. The article is expected to be a feature. And features don't really make me break much sweat. I hope my laziness won't get to me.

On Wednesday, I am set to present the draft outline of the UN manual I've been working on with a co-writer for two weeks. It pisses me off why I have to do the presenting in front of those government officials. What if I stutter? What if I appear to know nothing about the whole damn thing? This was never stated in the contract. From what I understood, the technical writer is supposed to WRITE, not PRESENT to a panel. My nails are nearly done. I've been biting on them since I learned of the presentation THIS MORNING! yes, just this morning. Thank you Chaspar, PNAC and UN for telling me 2 days before. You truly took my cramming habits to heart. On a lighter note, I wonder who among the officials I will get to meet on Wednesday? I pray I don't mess things up. If I do this well, it could mean more projects, not only from the UN, but maybe from one of the members of the panel.

I am such a merc. And it's hurting me day by day.

And you ask why I hardly blog? Yes, because I have too many things on my mind. It's in a clutter too often, I forget to think about what I really want.

Buhay nga naman. Parang life.


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