
Sleep is consuming me. Not that I haven't had enough in the past few days. Every hour, every minute, every second, I am reminded of my cozy bed back in Davao City. How it must be so comforting to sink into the soft, cotton-sheeted mattress right now and lull myself to slumber. I wonder. Is it sleep that I crave with this recollection, or is it the company of the house I call home? It's been 2 years since I've been there. My family probably thinks of me everyday - how I am, and what I'm doing with my life. Do you believe that whenever you are itching to be somewhere, someone or something actually sends out signals for you to come? I do. I feel strongly that my family aches for me to stay with them. However, being the stubborn, quasi-independent girl I am, I choose to rough it out here in Metro Manila. Life is hard. And becomes harder as you face it. But the pain is all worth it. In the end, you feel liberated. Free. I write this blog in the hopes of not falling asleep at work. I write this blog to somehow bring out whatever it is that's bothering me right now. Funny, I don't even know what it is. All I know is that it's there, and every time I strain to identify it, my head hurts, my jaw locks and then aches, and my heart is still. I seek calm. I seek sleep. I seek the bed I've had since I was a child. I seek the comfort of being with family. I seek the comfortable lifestyle I once turned my back on. I do not regret, though. But sometimes, I can't help but dream.


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