
I'm listening to Donna Lewis's Silent World. I remember the TGIS days when Peachy was breaking up with Wacks and this song played in the background. How sweet. How clam. But I also remember doubling over, clutching my stomach, guffawing like a hyena at its maddest state --- Silent World is a song for the dead! Hahahahahaha!!! The trance that envelopes you while you immerse yourself into the song is heady, like when you get your first puff of a joint. It's heady and it shoots your senses into higher levels of tantric ecstasy. That's what the song can do to you. And it also has the power to make you believe it is a love song. "if I could put you on top of a cake i would ice you, and keep you wrapped up in a box to be near you, if I could, I would" could easily disguise itself as an ode to a love once had but lost, a love once desired but now obsessed over, or a love you never had. That's why I find it so stupid how these teeny bopper shows would use it as background for a breakup scence.

But you know, we have a knack at digging up things that weren't there in the first place. You know, reading too much in between the lines. I could probably justify why the song was played with that scene. Perhaps it was a symbol of the death of a love the lovers once breathed. I laugh at the depth of my thoughts. Or does this even qualify as deep? heheheheh! I'm so supposed to write 3 pages today. Oh, see? I'm out of the topic already. Probably because Alanis Morissette is playing on my speakers now. That girl has so much rage inside her! Her songs scream anger at the people who have hurt her in the past. Fact? Or Fiction? I can only assume. And being the assuming person I am, I do assume she had a wretched time growing up. Maybe kids threw stones at her and called her long-face. They would dance and jump infront of her, sticking out their tongues, and teasing her for being such a thin kid. And now she seeks revenge through her songs. I find her maneuvers a manifestation of insecurity.

Now, sex and candy is playing. Marcy Playground did a hell of a good job with the song. It was number one, I think, when I was in second year high school. I love this song. "I smell sex and candy, yeah". It has a perverted streak to it. I think innocence, puppy dog eyes, pigtails, Lolitas. Hahahahaha! What pervs. The Band. Me. The people who listen to it. But I could be wrong. It could have a real meaning to it. Remind me to ask Marcy Playground next time I see the video in my dreams.


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