
i'm not prolific blogger, so most of the time I try to squeeze ideas out of my head when there really aren't any to begin with. Most of the time it's just bull-talk, like what I'm doing right now. It doesn't really make sense, and I don't think it's interesting enough for people to want to read. There are thousands of bloggers to I guess it's not something I should worry about. Perhaps there is somebody out there who writes worse than I do.Though I'm not particularly happy with the way my writing habits are developing, I console myself with the fact that I'm not the worst writer. Or at least, I believe I'm not.

Today, I found a gold mine on the internet. It was linked from one of the posts from either Pinoy Writers or Writers' Desk mailing list, i'm not really sure. It's called Writer's Fix. It provides free online writing workshops. There's this part where writing for the left-brained and the right-brained is separate, and I think it's a splendid idea to have it that way. One is for creative juices to flourish, and the other, for discipline. Speaking of discipline, do I have it now that I have been taking Creative Writing Workshops? Well, I think my drive to write has increased, but not to the level where I am worthy of calling myself a writer, YET. In time, probably. But that would mean I have to work extra hard.

I am grateful for my boyfriend who pushes me to write, though sometimes I snap at him. I find many excuses not to write. But, he, endures my hostility and goes beyond my lame excuses and prod me to write something. He does not always win, though. Most of the time, I just stomp away and go idle. Or eventually fall asleep. However, the mere fact that he is concerned enough to force me to write despite the person I am when pressured is reaffirming. He makes me believe in taking risks again. Because of him, my fear of writing fades. I'm not really sure if he is genuinely interested in the things I write, because he's a techie. But I do love him more for taking the effort to tell me 'You need to do some writing'. I sense my train of thought gearing toward mushiness. So I stop here.

By the way, I copied some of the exercises from Writers Fix. I figured I should do something like that for my blog. Just to have something relevant to write about. I have my list in hand. Tomorrow, I begin.


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