
I need to write something more substantial than business abstracts. While working for this company may seem like a dream to behold, having to read and write about international firms nearly 15 times each day can actually create a multitude of distortions in one's mental state. This doesn't mean that I hate my job, though. I mean, it doesn have its perks sometimes. Especially when I intend to piss off a friend with an ego suffering from elephantitis. It's just that I wish I were doing something else sometimes. Like stop for a second, detach my soul from my body and drift from event to event and watch people go about their lives recklessly without having to worry about mine. Or just sit in a corner of an empty room and stare at the walls, painting images in my mind. Or, maybe, just stop working altogether, pack my bags and head straight back to Davao City where my family is waiting with open arms to feed and clothe me without question.

I have a 17-year-old sister who thinks I'm 23, when I'm only 22. I have a mother who does not understand the true nature of my job, and a father who's constantly confused which company I really work at full-time. I also have grandparents who don't really bother much about what I do as long it sounds good and they can brag about it to all their amigas. And I have some friends who are not informed enough to think that Financial Times is a stockbroking firm (It's really annoying to have to explain to these people what the company does, I tell you. I expected them to know about it at first mention. But I really can't blame them. What do they know about what the business world reads?)

I have a 2-year-old book project which remains a concept up until today. In my mind is another graphic novel venture I still haven't worked on. And I have an empty 2 bedroom condo unit which has no furniture besides a bed (soon to have a gas stove courtesy of my mother).

I probably need a break. A vacation. Another life. If only I could take the time machine out of here to see what lies in store in the future, I would so I won't have to bust my butt doing things that are unnecessary to reach my destiny.

There are two more Australian articles waiting to be read on my desk. I am blogging to escape having to write abstracts on them. It's a boring job, but somebody has to do it. And in this office, there are 9 of us basking in the assault.

I wonder if they share the same sentiment.


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